We Love Dogs. Yes We Do.

We love dogs, of course everyone does. And those furry friends are welcome at many - but not all - of our properties. When booking a vacation, be sure to check to see if dogs are allowed there.
Some properties have limits on the size of the dogs and all properties limit the number that can be brought along. Do not allow your dog to trespass on the property of neighbors. Most places do not have doggie bags, dog beds, leashes, dog bowls or food, so you remember to bring your own.
Only dogs are allowed. Please do not bring cats, bunnies, frogs or other critters.
Curb Your Dog
Guests are expected to have their dog under control at all time. It must not bark, scratch furniture or floors or cause any damage. The dog must be on leash at all times and prevented from fighting with other dogs or bothering other guests.
And yes you just must pick up your dog's poop and deposit it into the outdoor garbage can.
Pet Cleaning
After your stay, if is necessary to take extra steps to clean, even if you feel your dog is tidy. A pet cleaning fee is charged per dog per day. If your booking confirmation does not include a per cleaning fee, it means the property does not allow dogs. (Sorry) So do check your paperwork.
Be Kind and Courteous
Dogs should be kept on short-leash at all times. We are sorry to say, but should you bring a dog to a place that does not allow, or should your dog cause any problems, then you and the dog will be required to depart the property immediately and there is no refund for such violations.
On the other hand, if you and your dog are kind and considerate we are delighted to have you both come and stay with us.
DETAILS: Bringing along a pet is a privilege that comes with responsibility. Owners must insure that pets do no damage, do not bother other guests. Pets must be kept on short-leash at all times and owners must clean up after their pets. Failure to follow these rules will result in extra fees, expulsion of the pet or termination of the guest's rental occupancy without refund.